Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How to delete your YouTube search History 2017

How to delete your YouTube search History 2017

So you probably all know that YouTube tracks what videos you watch, but they also track what you search for. 

Well, in this training video I'm going to show you how to delete your YouTube search history. 

 Ok, you always see this "recommended for you" in your feed, these videos that show up and you're wondering why that shows up. Well let me show you what happens.

Every time you go to YouTube and search for something, so let me show you here real quick, "YouTube loves to track what you search" and hit search it actually records that in history. Now if you're looking to delete your history let me show you how easy it is to do. 

So the first thing you need to do is go over to the right-hand corner, click this little arrow, and then over to video manager. And under video manager you will see over here, mouse over to search history. And you can see that 19 seconds ago that I searched for "YouTube loves to track what you search". Now to clear this, all you need to do is select that, hit remove. Or you can clear all search history, where you can select everything, hit remove or you can hit clear all, it's that simple. Now I know there's people right now watching this video wondering what can I do to stop YouTube from tracking my movements on YouTube.com? 

All you need to do is do something that was invented back in 1945! You take some aluminum foil, and you wrap it around your computer a couple of times like this, and it's amazing, they can't track you. Ok now for added protection make sure you add the hat. 

Very, very important to do that, very stylish, but it also stops YouTube viewers from reading your mind. I wonder if I can get them to subscribe to my YouTube channel... why would they do that, you idiot! You didn't even iron your shirt today, look at it!... That's I know, people on YouTube don't care that you didn't iron your shirt they just are grateful for the great quality content and that's why they'll subscribe... Go iron your shirt!!

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