Thursday, January 19, 2017

How to Add Managers to youtube channel

Did you know that you can actually add managers to your Youtube channel? And you can even actually change ownership. You can actually give your Youtube channel to someone else. It's pretty

This video will show you How to Add Managers to youtube channel or Change Ownership to your YouTube Channel

  Now, when I first started Youtube, that wasn't possible. And I managed a lot of Youtube channels, and I had to remember all the username and passwords, and things would get confusing. And it's actually really simple now, to add or remove managers, or even change ownership. 

And you're probably wondering why you want to change ownership? Well first off, you can sell it, right?

So, to add or remove managers for your Youtube channel, or even changing the ownership of your Youtube channel, what we need to do is get to my account manager for Google. 

And to do this, we come up to the upper right-hand corner, and click on the avatar icon, and then we come to Youtube settings here. And then once we're here, it basically launches the overview of your account settings. You can see Managers right here. 

We want to hit Add or remove managers. This is going to launch my account settings for Google. And this is attached to your Youtube channel, and G+ and Google Photos, and a few other things. Now, what we want to do is add new users. And you can come here, click on this blue button here, Manage Permissions. It's going to launch, it's going to show everybody that has permissions for your Youtube channel, and all your other Google assets. And if we want to remove someone, it's simple as, just go ahead and click on the X. 

Now, to add a new Manager, what we need to do is click on this Add icon, right here. And basically, we need to put the email address of the individual we'd like to invite to become a Manager. And then right here, you're able to see you can change the ownership or make them a Manager, or even a Communications Manager. And once that's in, go ahead and hit Invite. It sends them an email inviting them to become a Manager. Once they accept that, they can now manage your Youtube channel. 

Now, here's the thing, guys. You can change ownership really easy, to your Youtube channel. I showed you how simple it really is. There's a couple reasons why you want to do it. Number one, they gave you a lot of money. Someone gave you a lot of money, and this is an easy way to transfer that ownership over to someone else. The second thing this is, for some reason you got your AdSense account banned, and you can't get any monetization on your Youtube channel. Now, what I would recommend is change ownership to a different entity. 

And you have a different AdSense account. And that would actually free up, to actually start monetizing. Because people make mistakes, I totally understand. And this is a legitimate way to, if you have a legitimate AdSense account that was created, that you're able to start monetizing your videos once again. Thank you guys so much for watching this video. I'd love to hear your thoughts about this. 

Would you actually have managers on your Youtube channel? And also, if someone offered you money for your Youtube channel, how much would it take to get you to sell? To get them to get ownership of your Youtube channel. Go ahead and put that in the comments below. 

Guys, if you haven't subscribed yet to Tube mechanics, go ahead and hit subscribe and watch a video or two. You won't regret it. Thank you, and have a wonderful and productive day!

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