Friday, October 9, 2015

The Importance of telling a story as an Affiliate Marketer.

One of the most difficult aspect of most marketers online is creating content and that is usually because we are looking for a unique way of presenting the facts and benefits of what we are trying to promote or share to our audiences. But if you start sharing your own story that relates to whatever facts or benefits you want to share it actually makes content creation much easier because it is something you have experienced. And that makes it flow easily.


This is another aspect that we all fight with as content creators. We do not want to sound like the next door neighbor (competitors) otherwise our readers may just “say old same”, “old same” and hit the back button and they are gone. Your story will bring out your uniqueness and will set you apart from your competition. With stories, only you will be a completion to your content


We all know ever since we were kids that after learning how to talk a few words, if we are not asking for something that is going into our mouth and down our stomachs, we always are interested to hear a new story (Mum/ Dad can you tell me a story). Most parents know what I am saying here. Actually my 4-year-old will never go to bed if someone is not right behind her to read her a bedtime story. We all like stories because they are very engaging. Look at how much filmmakers and actors are making just from storytelling through films.


Now if you have ever heard about the formula KLT (Know, Like, Trust) you will know it is the formula you should be following if you want to make a consistent, reliable and dependable income on or offline. These are the thinks your audience are looking from you before they ever make a purchase. They want to first know who you are, like you, Trust you before eventually purchasing your product or follow your recommendation as most of us affiliate marketers do. There is no better way of showing your audiences all these three aspects in a piece of content (review page or video) without telling them a little story.

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