Sunday, January 20, 2019

How to get Traffic from Facebook Groups to your Website 2019

How to get Traffic from Facebook Groups to your Website?

We all know facebook has been in the media lately for all the wrong reasons but don't make the mistake of assuming facebook is no more a platform form to drive traffic to your website.

The real problem with facebook is they changed their algorithm to favour communities than brands or marketers online. Facebook algorithm now prepares post made on groups than on pages buid to promote a new website

Many other social sites that support communities and groups have started adopting the same strategy.If you join the groups there are a set of rules you are bound to follow or you will be kicked out of the group

So how does someone who just started a new website tap into that enormous Facebook traffic when Facebook doesn't promote facebook pages and the other hand in most groups, self promotion is not allowed?

In this video I will be sharing with you how you you can still drive traffic to your website using facebook groups and best of all its all free

9 Ways to Drive Traffic to your online content for Free(# 5 will blow your mind)

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