Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How YouTube Age Gate Affect Creators

If you haven't heard about the age gate program, or how the rumor behind it came about and above all how this program might effect your channel if it ends up not being a rumor,...then, stay tuned for that and much more coming up.


So what is age gate on youtube? It is a system in which youtube rank channel videos on their search ranking in different age groups.

Youtube alraedy have some filters for restricting what under age group can and cannot watch on youtube but this time they are taking it a step further.

Now how does it connect with the recent so called "glitch" according to the rumor going on.

The glitch was noticed when creators started losing subscribers in double digits. you can watch all about that in the videos which you can find in the youtube cards of this video.

This age gate program or software is being tested now on many channels on YouTube and the rumor goes on to say it is the age gate program in action unsubscribing youtube users from certain contains on their platform.

The origin of the rumor

DramaAlert a channel for social news, interactions. I will be leaving the link to the video in the description box below this video.(

here is the story behind the rumor. After a certain after party sponsored by big companies, attended by many youtubers and youtube employees downloading some formularsin their system was very obvious.

The consequences of downloading some of these formular is, saying something you were not suppose to say. That was the case with the youtube employee.

The employee revealed again according to the rumor that the glitch wasn't really a glitch. It was actually a system, program whatever you want to call it, in which youtube unsubs people from consuming a particular content that is not appropriate for their age.

That the software will even rank channel videos on their search ranking in different age groups appropriate for the viewers.

Now lets break that down a little. What if I understand correctly is if you have a channel that have say volga worlds like "fucken shit or the very common one that even 5 year olds say now our days "Fuck you", your content may be categorized under the age group of say 18 to 65 just an example.

Ok if your channel already had subscriber out of that age group and you use those famous words in your videos the age gate tool will systematicaly unsub all those out of the appropriate age group.

When it comes to making a search any one out of the accepted age group of your channel will not see your videos when doing a search on youtube.

So how can you get around this age gate software and still get your videos to your target viewers. simple Try to make your content as family friendly as possible.

Now I have gone through many videos on youtube talking about this age age issue and many have given their opinion about it.

To say the list many creators are cross about the whole thing and for a good reason, because if this rumor is actually true many channels will lose a base, they have spent time, sweat and in many cases money to build and youtube, just like that starts clearing the base.

On the other hand youtube is just trying to cover their ass from say law suits that might haunt them. Many kids now a days are expose to content that they should not consume.

Yes, you might say the parents most control their children. Well,  this argument can go on one day but for now i think youtube is just covering their ass.

Whatever the case the platform belong to youtube. it is their site they are entitled to make any changes that suites them

That is just my opinion hope you found some valeue in this video if you did you know what to do hit the like button to give this video a thumbs up, share on your favorite channel and dont forget to subscribe for more tube mechanics videos like this that will help make building and growing your channel a breeze.

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